Friday, April 13, 2007


Sorry about the interruption, it could not be helped but I do not like to keep you all waiting. So here is the situation: Semana Santa is done and we are back to work here in Sabanagrande. There are only two weeks left of FBT here and then we return to Santa Lucia to reunite with the large group of 51 aspirantes. We will swear in as volunteers, if all goes well, and then we are off to our individual sites and the two year countdown begins. Two weeks from now, just before we leave Sabanagrande, we find out where each of us will be for the next two years during a big “site announcement” party. It is a nerve-wracking deal, to be sure, but since none of us really has any control or a great knowledge of the different regions of the country, there is no point in sweating it for too long.

To be honest, there is not a lot of time left here for training and while I am excited to be done and to reunite with the large group, I am not quite sure I am ready to be set free out in the country. We have had some solid training and good experience with doing surveys and using different equipment but the thought of being the only volunteer in some town or village and being responsible for bringing water to them is a bit overwhelming. Cold feet, you say, suck it up and get to work. Right. And I am sure once I am out there I will feel more comfortable with what I can do, but at the moment it seems daunting.

At the moment that is all I have for you. The countdown to site announcement has begun but until that day there is nothing of note. I love the comments so keep at them between filing motions or treating patients or writing judge’s decisions or making another few thousand or writing articles or designing dresses or studying or teaching or whatever you have on your plate at the moment, ok? Much love from Honduras.


Elyse said...

Hey, now, this is a family blog! None of that kind of talk in here...(jk)
Cold feet? Nah, you'll be absolutely fine. Like you intimated, once you get there and find a routine there'll be nada (see, you're not the only one in this family who espeakes the espanish!) to worry about.

Anonymous said...

La Madonna se murio. Que Lastima!

Me said...

I guess Cutrone is back from vacation, huh?

Joe Joe you enigma you're going to be fabulous.

Unknown said...

took awhile to respond, but I basically had to come to India to find the time! Glad to hear you won't be in a mosquito infested 6x8 room for the rest of your time there! Also, you can rant and rave about your little countries claim to a swath of big cities, but lets be honest, who wants to truly stay in any big city there? Plus, you haven't been to Guatemala yet! ;) good luck and I know you are more than amply prepared...